3W,5W,10W uv laser

10w 15w 고출력 uv 레이저 산업 수급 상황 및 제품 국산화 분석

Jun 28 , 2022

10w 15w 고출력 uv 레이저 산업 수급 상황 및 제품 국산화 분석


레이저 기술은 산업 제조, 통신, 정보 처리, 의료 및 건강, 에너지 절약 및 환경 보호, 항공 우주 및 기타 분야와 관련된 국가 경제 발전에 널리 사용됩니다. 우리나라 각급 정부는 레이저 산업 발전에 큰 중요성을 부여하고 심천, 우한, 광저우 및 기타 지역의 "광학 밸리" 및 레이저 산업 단지 건설에 투자했습니다.


주요 국가 수요에 직면하여 핵심 핵심 기술의 주요 과학 문제에 대한 장기적인 지원을 제공합니다. 인공 지능, 네트워크 협업 제조, 3D 인쇄 및 레이저 제조, 핵심 기본 재료, 고급 전자 재료, 구조 및 기능 재료, 제조 기술 및 핵심 구성 요소, 클라우드 컴퓨팅 및 빅 데이터, 고성능 컴퓨팅, 광대역 통신 및 새로운 지원에 중점을 둡니다. 네트워크, 지구 관측 및 항법, 광전자 장치 및 통합, 생물 육종, 첨단 의료 장치, 집적 회로 및 마이크로파 장치, 주요 과학 장비 및 장비와 같은 주요 분야에서 핵심 핵심 기술의 돌파구를 추진할 것입니다.


오래된 부품 손상 3차원 반전 시스템 및 플라즈마, 레이저, 아크 및 기타 복합 에너지 빔 에너지 필드 자동 유연한 재제조 및 성형 가공 장비의 연구 개발 및 재제조 응용 프로그램을 가속화합니다. 레이저 및 전자빔과 같은 하이테크 재제조 기술의 적용을 장려하고, 대형 전기 기계 장비에 대한 전문적이고 개인화된 재제조 기술 서비스를 제공하며, 서비스 지향적인 고급 지능형 재제조 기업 그룹을 육성합니다.

자외선 레이저  | 녹색 레이저  | 자외선 레이저  | 자외선 dpss 레이저  | 나노초 레이저  | UV 레이저 소스  | 고체 레이저

Facing the urgent needs of strategic emerging industries such as aerospace, high-end equipment, electronic manufacturing, new energy, new materials, medical instruments, etc., realize the independent development of high-end industrial laser manufacturing equipment, form a complete industrial system of laser manufacturing, and promote the development of laser manufacturing technology in my country. Industrial upgrading has greatly enhanced the international competitiveness of my country's high-end laser manufacturing technology and equipment.


Build an additive manufacturing process technology research and development platform to improve the level of process technology. Develop and promote mainstream additive manufacturing process equipment driven by lasers, electron beams, ion beams and other energy sources. Accelerate the development of supporting core devices and embedded software systems such as high-power lasers, scanning galvanometers, dynamic focusing mirrors, and high-performance electron guns, improve the collaborative innovation capabilities of software and hardware, and establish a standard system for additive manufacturing. Vigorously promote the application of additive manufacturing technology in the fields of aerospace, medical equipment, transportation equipment, cultural creativity, and personalized manufacturing, and accelerate the development of the additive manufacturing service industry.


The "Advanced Manufacturing Technology" column points out that theoretical research on ultrafast pulse and ultra-high power laser manufacturing should be carried out, breakthroughs in key laser manufacturing technologies, and research and development of high-reliability and long-life laser core functional components, domestic advanced lasers, and high-end laser manufacturing process equipment. Develop advanced laser manufacturing application technology and equipment.


Nanosecond ultraviolet laser refers to a pulsed laser whose pulse duration is generally in the range of tens to hundreds of nanoseconds, and the output wavelength is ultraviolet. Nanosecond UV lasers have the characteristics of small thermal effect and good controllability, and are widely used in industrial fields.


  The "2021-2027 China Nanosecond Ultraviolet Laser Market In-depth Analysis and Industry Prospect Report" released by Zhiyan Consulting shows that in 2019, my country's ultraviolet laser shipments will be 19,000 units, of which nanosecond ultraviolet laser shipments will be 17,465 units, accounting for than 92%.


At present, domestic manufacturers are basically mature in nanosecond ultraviolet laser technology, and they have fully domesticated products within 20 W, and many performances such as power stability control are also relatively reliable. Most companies have a stable power of about 10 W, and some companies have a stable power of up to 20 W, such as Huari Laser. For nanosecond UV lasers, most domestic companies have a maximum power of about 20 W, but some companies can reach 30 W or even 40 W. Domestic nanosecond ultraviolet laser products are mainly concentrated below 10w, and products of 15w and above need to be imported from abroad. In 2019, the output of nanosecond ultraviolet lasers in my country was 17,465 units.


The price difference of nanosecond ultraviolet lasers with different powers is relatively significant. At present, the powers of nanosecond ultraviolet lasers that have been supplied on a large scale in the market are commonly 3W, 5W, 10W and 15W. The application fields are different, and the price difference is more significant. At present, domestic enterprises occupy most of the market share in the low-end and mid-end products of 10W and below. Foreign-funded enterprises with mid-to-high-end products above 15W still occupy a dominant position, and they still rely on imports to a certain extent, resulting in relatively high prices of imported products. In recent years The competitiveness of domestic enterprises has been significantly enhanced, and market competition has intensified, driving the price of imported products to continue to decline.


As the domestic manufacturing industry moves from traditional to high-end, domestic ultraviolet laser technology has completed a leap from almost blank to basically commercialized applications in the past few years. As far as nanosecond UV is concerned, most of the market below 10 W is occupied by domestic UV lasers. However, there is still a certain gap between medium and high power ultraviolet lasers and foreign countries, mainly in the aspects of high power pump source and pulse output. The market size of my country's nanosecond ultraviolet laser industry has grown rapidly, from 281 million yuan in 2014 to 1.343 billion yuan in 2019.


Nanosecond UV lasers have short-wavelength properties that allow "cold" processing of materials. Because of its advantages, it has been applied in various industries. Driven by the 3C application market, my country's nanosecond UV laser market has developed rapidly in recent years. In 2019, the market size of my country's nanosecond ultraviolet laser industry was 1.343 billion yuan, of which the domestic nanosecond ultraviolet laser was 947 million yuan; the imported nanosecond ultraviolet laser was 396 million yuan.

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