355nm UV 레이저 마킹 플라스틱 버튼
Aug 08 , 2022
마우스, 키보드, 리모콘 등과 같은 일부 아이콘은 플라스틱 버튼에 표시해야 합니다. 플라스틱 버튼에 대한 전통적인 표시 방법은 빈번한 터치로 인해 색이 바래고 떨어지기 때문에 사용하는 동안 사람들에게 약간의 문제를 일으킬 수 있습니다. , 특히 일부 중요한 단추에는 마킹이 매우 엄격하며 플라스틱 단추를 아름답고 오랫동안 마킹하려면 레이저 마킹 기계를 사용하여 마킹해야 합니다. 일반적인 플라스틱 키 레이저 마킹 기계에는 이산화탄소 레이저 마킹 기계와 자외선 레이저 마킹 기계가 포함됩니다.
플라스틱 키 레이저 마킹 샘플
At present, plastics are widely used and are indispensable components in home appliances, automobiles, mobile phones, PCs, medical equipment, and lighting appliances. Benefiting from a good external environment, the industry has also achieved rapid development, and the development of downstream industries has further boosted the demand for plastics.
Contrary to the traditional method, the UV laser marking machine is very fast and accurate in laser processing, the graphics can be customized by computer programming, and it is environmentally friendly and healthy, with low consumables. In various application practices, UV marking on plastic materials is better. Compared with other types of lasers, when using UV lasers, black marking can be achieved by selectively carbonizing the lower layer of the plastic surface.
UV laser marking machine
The energy of the ultraviolet laser output of the short wavelength ultraviolet laser stimulates the photochemical reaction of the material, and the ultraviolet laser avoids excessive heat output. When processing some sensitive materials, such as plastics containing flame retardants, the ultraviolet laser can achieve high resolution Mark with the best surface quality and the fastest machining speed. Compared with infrared and green lasers, ultraviolet lasers do not require expensive laser-sensitive additives during material processing, and can achieve significantly faster processing speeds and better marking quality. Shangtuo laser plastic key laser marking machine uses laser beams to mark permanent marks on the surface of various substances. The effect of marking is to expose the deep material through the evaporation of the surface material, so as to engrave exquisite patterns, trademarks and words, and the marking is clear and permanent. The laser marking machine has good beam quality and extremely small focusing spot, which can realize ultra-fine marking.