3W,5W,10W uv laser

건강을 지키는 5와트 uv 레이저 마킹 청진기

Sep 22 , 2021

5 Watt uv laser marking stethoscope to protect your health


Every doctor’s stethoscope has a different story. This story can be a legend, it can be hard, it can also be plain. The medical device laser marking machine writes the feelings of the doctor to protect the patient, and interprets the persistence and responsibility of the doctor.


355nm laser marking stethoscope


The stethoscope is the "cultural symbol" of doctors. However, with the development of medical machines, the frequency of clinical use of stethoscopes is much lower than before, but the stethoscope is still irreplaceable. For clinicians, a good stethoscope is very important. The laser-marked stethoscope allows doctors to better listen to "heart sounds".


UV laser marking stethoscope


Early years ago, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has implemented medical product identification regulations, and it is mandatory for all product devices to have a unique identification number (UDI). The laser marking machine is used to leave a permanent mark on the stethoscope and other medical equipment, which will not fade away due to repeated disinfection and clarity.


Laser marking machine customizes exclusive stethoscope for physicians

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