3W,5W,10W uv laser

고출력 uv 레이저 마킹 가축 2차원 코드 이어 태그

Sep 26 , 2021

High power uv laser marking livestock two-dimensional code ear tags


Animal husbandry is one of the important basic industries in our country. The safety of animal husbandry is directly related to the safety and health of people's daily diet. Therefore, food safety issues must not be relaxed for a moment. In order to effectively prevent and control major animal diseases and ensure the quality and safety of livestock and poultry products, the establishment of a meat circulation traceability system for the entire industry chain is an industry standard that local livestock producers should meet.

In order to comply with this important national industry standard, relevant units quickly launched the two-dimensional code animal husbandry ear tags with laser marking, and used it with a quality traceability system to further improve the management of animal husbandry products.


UV laser marking production has records, information can be queried, and flow can be traced


According to a report by Voice of China "Yangguang News", in order to realize that livestock products have "recorded production, queryable information, and traceable flow", starting from March 15, 2013, Hefei, Anhui, took the lead in implementing electronic animal quarantine expeditions, realizing the availability of livestock products. Traceability system. The use of machine-printed quarantine certificates with two-dimensional code ear tags on the anti-counterfeiting logo is like wearing an "electronic ID card" for live pigs, realizing online data recording of the entire process of livestock from birth to slaughter, to prevent some live pig operations when filling in the quarantine certificate manually Households use false certificates to take advantage of the loopholes.


What is a QR code ear tag?


The two-dimensional code ear tag is an information storage element of the animal identification traceability system, and the animal is hung on the ear as soon as it is born. From then on, the animal’s birth, immunization, quarantine, transportation, slaughter and other archive information from birth to death will all be stored in the ear tag. These information are compiled into a unique two-dimensional code, and after being translated by the reader, the information will be transmitted to the central database to realize the networked management of animal epidemic prevention and animal-derived food safety information.


 How to recognize the two-dimensional code livestock and poultry logo?


Each set of two-dimensional code livestock and poultry logos consists of two parts: the main label and the auxiliary label. The front of the main label carries the coding information, and the coding information consists of two parts: a two-dimensional bar code and a digital code. The digital code has a total of 15 digits and is composed of animal species + division code + identification sequence number. Among them, the first digit represents the breed of livestock (1 pig, 2 cattle, 3 sheep), the 2-7 digits are the division codes, and the 8-15 digits are the unique codes.

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2차원 코드 이어 태그의 레이저 마킹 원리와 장점은?


2차원 코드 이어 태그 레이저 마킹 기술은 컴퓨터 제어 고에너지 밀도 레이저 빔을 사용하여 미리 결정된 궤적에 따라 마킹해야 하는 이어 태그 표면에 작용하여 표면 재료가 즉시 기화되거나 색상을 변경하기 위해 화학적으로 변경하고 이어 태그 표면에 영구적인 표시를 남기기 위해 특정 깊이 또는 색상으로 텍스트, 패턴 등을 에칭합니다.

한편, 레이저 마킹된 2차원 코드는 작은 크기, 고밀도, 대용량 및 저비용의 특성을 가지고 있으며 이어 태그와 같은 작은 부품에 마킹하는 데 적합합니다. 반면에 레이저 마킹은 영구적이며 위조 방지 기능이 있습니다. 마모되거나 훼손된 경우에도 레이저 마킹된 2차원 코드를 올바르게 읽을 수 있습니다.


레이저 마킹된 2차원 코드 가축 및 가금류 로고에는 위조 방지 기능이 있습니다.


또한 레이저 마킹된 2차원 코드 가축 및 가금류 식별은 위조 방지 기능이 있는 암호화된 산업별 코드를 사용하여 소비자가 동물 건강 감독 네트워크의 진위 여부를 쉽게 조회하고 정확하게 조회할 수 있습니다. 돼지 원산지, 검역관 등 다양한 정보 .

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