3W,5W,10W uv laser

10W UV 레이저 마킹기의 원리와 장점 소개

Oct 15 , 2021

10W UV 레이저 마킹기 의 원리와 장점 소개


1. UV 레이저 마킹기의 원리 소개


자외선 레이저 가공의 반응 메커니즘은 레이저 에너지에 의존하여 원자 또는 분자 사이의 결합을 끊고 작은 분자가 되어 기화 및 증발하는 광화학 제거에 의해 실현됩니다. 집속점이 매우 작고 가공 열영향부가 적어 초미세 마킹 및 특수소재 마킹에 사용 가능합니다.


UV 레이저 마킹기

uv laser | green laser | ultraviolet lasers | uv dpss laser | nanosecond laser | UV laser source | Solid State Lasers

2. Advantages of UV laser marking machine


1. Ultraviolet laser is a cold light source, and the thermal effect is particularly small during laser cutting or marking, and it is more suitable for deep processing of materials that are more sensitive to thermal effects.


2. Ultraviolet laser has narrower pulse width and higher peak power, so it is easy to process and destroy polymer materials with high requirements.


3. The minimum light spot after focusing by the UV laser can reach 10UM, and the processing heat-affected zone is small, so it can be used for ultra-fine marking, marking of special materials, especially suitable for marking food, medical packaging materials, micro-holes, and glass materials. Application areas such as high-speed division of silicon wafers and complex pattern cutting of silicon wafers.


4. The heat-affected area is extremely small, will not produce thermal effects, and will not cause material burning problems. 5. The scope of application of UV laser marking machine: UV laser can achieve the best marking quality on almost all materials. The wavelength of 355nm further increases the range of marking plastic materials. In addition, when marking metal materials with it, it can also strictly control the heat input. Super-fine LOGO trademark, text, two-dimensional code, pattern, serial number, serial number, symbol, garbled number and other information can be engraved on the product. It is mainly used in the high-end market of ultra-fine processing, 3C industry marking, electronic components, electrical enclosure marking, food, medicine and other polymer materials packaging bottles marking; metal or non-metal coating removal; marking of various materials, Blind groove processing; new-type ultra-thin metal foil micro-hole production, etc. For example: marking and scribing of flexible pcb boards; micro-hole and blind hole processing of silicon wafers; two-dimensional code marking of LCD liquid crystal glass, surface drilling of glassware, marking of metal surface coatings, etc.


5. Imported laser light source, high beam quality, small focus spot, making marking finer and higher definition; small heat-affected area, no thermal effect, avoiding deformation, damage or scorching of processed materials; 3. Applicable materials It is widely used to solve the problems of insufficient detail and poor effect of fiber laser marking for many materials; 4. Imported scanning is adopted, and the marking speed is fast, and it is suitable for micro-cutting and drilling.


6. Free maintenance, no consumables, low cost of use, and energy saving.


7. The function of online flying marking can be realized on the assembly line.

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