3W,5W,10W uv laser

20와트와 35와트의 절단 품질을 판단하는 9가지 기준 그린 레이저 절단기

Sep 29 , 2021

20와트와 35와트 의 절단 품질을 판단하는 9가지 기준 그린 레이저 절단기


레이저 절단기의 절단 품질을 판단하는 것은 레이저 절단 장비의 성능을 직관적으로 판단하는 가장 좋은 방법입니다. 다음은 판단을 위한 9가지 기준입니다.


1. 거칠기. 레이저 절단 섹션은 수직선을 형성합니다. 선의 깊이는 절단면의 거칠기를 결정합니다. 선이 얕을수록 절단 부분이 더 매끄러워집니다. 거칠기는 가장자리의 모양에 영향을 미칠 뿐만 아니라 마찰 특성에도 영향을 줍니다. 대부분의 경우 거칠기를 최소화해야 하므로 질감이 얕을수록 절단 품질이 높아집니다.


2. 수직성. 판금의 두께가 10mm를 초과하면 절단면의 수직도가 매우 중요합니다. 초점에서 멀어지면 레이저 빔이 발산되고 초점 위치에 따라 절단면이 위쪽 또는 아래쪽으로 넓어집니다. 절단면이 수직선에서 수백 분의 1밀리미터만큼 벗어납니다. 가장자리가 수직일수록 절단 품질이 높아집니다.

uv laser | green laser | ultraviolet lasers | uv dpss laser | nanosecond laser | UV laser source | Solid State Lasers

3. Cutting width. Generally speaking, the cutting width does not affect the cutting quality. The cutting width has an important effect only when a particularly precise contour is formed inside the component. This is because the cutting width determines the minimum inner warp of the contour. When the thickness of the sheet increases, the cutting width also changes. The increase. Therefore, in order to ensure the same high accuracy, no matter how large the width of the incision is, the processing area of ​​the workpiece in the laser cutting machine should be constant.


4. Lines. When cutting thick plates at high speed, the molten metal will not appear in the cut below the vertical laser beam, but will spray out at the rear of the laser beam. As a result, curved lines are formed on the cutting edge, and the lines closely follow the moving laser beam. In order to correct this problem, reducing the feed rate at the end of the cutting process can greatly eliminate the formation of lines.


5. glitch. The formation of burrs is a very important factor that determines the quality of laser cutting. Because the removal of burrs requires extra work, the severity and amount of burrs can intuitively judge the quality of the cutting.


6. Material deposition. The laser cutting machine first hits a layer of special oily liquid on the surface of the workpiece before it starts to melt and perforate. During the cutting process, due to gasification and various materials are not used, the customer uses wind to remove the incision, but the upward or downward discharge will also form a deposit on the surface.


7. Depression and corrosion. Concavity and corrosion have an adverse effect on the surface of the cut edge and affect the appearance. They appear in cutting errors that should generally be avoided.


8. Heat affected zone. In laser cutting, the area around the incision is heated. At the same time, the structure of the metal changes. For example, some metals will harden. The heat-affected zone refers to the depth of the area where the internal structure changes.


9. Deformed. If the cutting heats the part sharply, it will deform. This is particularly important in fine machining, because the contours and connecting pieces here are usually only a few tenths of a millimeter wide. Controlling the laser power and using short laser pulses can reduce parts heating and avoid deformation.

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