3W,5W,10W uv laser

열 영향이 낮은 uv 레이저 광 중공 펠트 모자

Sep 03 , 2021

열 영향이 낮은 uv 레이저 광 중공 펠트 모자


겨울 외출, 갑작스러운 찬바람에 헤어스타일 도전

패션계를 휩쓴 펠트 햇이 다시 나왔다

겨울 패셔니스타들의 스타일링 무기가 되다

펠트 모자는 디자인이 단순하지만

하지만 레이저 절단 기술이 추가되면서

디테일부터 스타일과 코디까지 꼼수 가득

새로운 차원의 패션을 창조하다

uv laser | green laser | Ultraviolet lasers | uv dpss laser | nanosecond laser | UV laser source | Solid State Lasers

355nm UV laser cutting hat


Felt has the characteristics of softness and toughness, and feels comfortable to the touch

Protect the head from severe cold, rain and snow

A large area of ​​felt may give people a heavy and monotonous feeling

The unique laser hollowing treatment on the brim of the hat makes it look new

Add freshness and layering to the overall shape


Laser craftsmanship meets classic styles of woolen hats


Make your choices more diverse

Cut the pattern pattern cleanly, without focal edges

Exquisite workmanship will extend perfection to every detail

Enhance styling style and bloom with elegance


UV laser hollow felt hat


When your hair is flying in the winter wind

A laser-cut felt hat

Give you comfortable wear and enjoyment and a different style and charm

Exquisite details show extraordinary quality

Light up your winter look, so that fashion is no longer absent

최신 제안 받기 뉴스레터 구독

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메시지를 남겨주세요
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