3W,5W,10W uv laser

3W UV 레이저 마킹기의 수명은 어떻게 됩니까?

Oct 11 , 2021

What is the life span of the 3W UV laser marking machine?


Every machine has a lifespan. Today we mainly talk about the UV laser marking machine. This machine is currently widely used in the market. So how long is its lifespan? Let me tell you about it today.


RFH UV laser marking machine


Let me first talk about what kinds of laser marking machines are available on the market, including carbon dioxide marking machines. In short, there are many types. However, today I mainly talk about the UV laser marking machine. The life of this kind of marking machine is generally 2-3 years. However, if it is used in a relatively standardized manner, there will be no other inappropriate behaviors. At the same time, there is a certain warranty. . It can be longer. However, for other types of laser marking machines, the lifetime of UV laser marking machines is relatively short. Because other marking machines can generally reach a life span of five years.


Ultraviolet crystals are easily covered by the surrounding dust


There are many reasons for his shorter lifespan. The main ones are two points. The first is because of the ultraviolet laser marking machine. When he is working, the ultraviolet crystal is easily covered by the surrounding dust. Then when his wave field is relatively short, his crystal is easily destroyed. If it is destroyed, it will of course cause damage to the machine, which will affect his lifespan. In general, it is not directly deteriorated, but because the environment around the crystal becomes dirty because of the dust.

uv laser | green laser | ultraviolet lasers | uv dpss laser | nanosecond laser | UV laser source | Solid State Lasers

The cleaning of the laser crystal of the UV laser marking machine is very important.


Moreover, the later operators did not know that the cleaning method in this respect would cause the cleaning method to be incorrect, or it was him. It is impossible to clean a laser crystal of a UV laser marking machine at all, so it is easy to shorten its life.

두 번째 요소는 오늘 여기서 말씀드리겠습니다. 주된 것은 UV 레이저 마킹 머신입니다. 그 핵심은 광원 LE의 수명입니다. 만일이 경우라면. 광원 ld는 비교적 진보되어 있습니다. 즉, 기술과 제품 품질이 비교적 좋습니다. 결과적으로 수명이 길어지지만 일반적으로 영향이 크지는 않습니다. 가장 중요한 요소는 우리 운영자의 정비 이미지를 보는 것입니다. UV 레이저 마킹기의 레이저 크리스탈 세척에는 많은 주의가 필요합니다. 이제 세척 과정에서 방법이 정확해야 하며 잘못된 방법으로 인해 크리스탈이 손상되지 않아야 합니다.


RFH 3W UV 레이저


위의 내용은 UV 레이저 마킹기의 수명을 알려줄 뿐만 아니라 UV 레이저 마킹기의 수명이 다른 기계보다 짧은 이유도 알려줍니다. 그러니 모두에게 필요하다고 말하세요. 기계를 합리적으로 유지 관리하면 UV 레이저 마킹 기계의 수명이 최고에 도달하고 더 오래 사용할 수 있습니다.

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