3W,5W,10W uv laser

3w 5w uv 레이저 다이오드가 CO2 레이저 마킹을 대체합니까?

Jun 22 , 2022

Will 3w 5w uv laser diode replace CO2 laser marking?


In the rapidly developing laser industry, the status of CO2 laser technology has gradually declined in recent years. Born in 1964, it can be said to be an "old" laser technology. In the decades-long history of laser applications, CO2 lasers have been the main force for a long time, whether in manufacturing, medical, or scientific research. However, with the advent of fiber lasers, the market for CO2 lasers is being eroded. In terms of metal cutting, the energy of fiber lasers has largely replaced CO2 lasers because of their better absorption by metals and their cost advantages. In terms of laser marking, CO2 laser has always been the most important marking method in the past, but in recent years, UV marking and fiber laser marking have become more and more favored by users. Especially the ultraviolet laser realizes "cold processing", the processing effect is fine, the positioning is accurate, the heat-affected area is small, and the pattern effect is more detailed and exquisite, and it begins to show the status of gradually replacing the CO2 laser marking. So, what are the advantages of UV laser marking and CO2 laser marking?



Advantages of CO2 Laser Marking


In the 1980s and 1990s, CO2 laser technology matured and became the mainstream of laser applications. CO2 laser marking became one of the commonly used laser marking forms due to its high efficiency and beam quality. It also works with a variety of non-metallic materials, including wood, acrylic, glass, textiles, plastics, foils and films, leather, and even stone. CO2 laser marking is mainly used for food, medicine or wine packaging, electronic components, integrated circuits, electrical appliances, mobile communications, building materials and PVC pipes, etc. CO2 laser is a gas laser. It uses the interaction of laser energy and materials to leave permanent traces on the surface of objects. It is a revolutionary alternative to traditional techniques such as inkjet, silk screen printing, and knife engraving. This technique can engrave beautiful designs, logos, dates or text on the surface of a product.


uv laser | green laser | Ultraviolet lasers | uv dpss laser | nanosecond laser | UV laser source | Solid State Lasers

Advantages of UV Laser Marking


Ultraviolet lasers are lasers with a wavelength of 355 nm. Due to its short wavelength and narrow pulse characteristics, it produces a very small focused spot and maintains a minimal heat-affected zone, which enables it to be processed very precisely while minimizing mechanical deformation of the material. It can not only provide extremely fine processing effect, but also maintain good positioning accuracy, which is the advantage of UV laser. CO2 laser marking is suitable for electronic products, white goods, electrical shell marking, food and medicine, leather, craft gifts, fabric cutting, rubber products, eyewear materials and so on. UV laser marking is mainly used for surface marking of packaging bottles of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food and other polymer materials, flexible PCB board marking, scribing, silicon wafer micro-hole, blind-hole processing, LCD liquid crystal glass two-dimensional code Marking, surface drilling of glassware, etc.



UV vs CO2


In applications that require high precision, such as glass, chip, and various PCB board marking, UV lasers are obviously better than CO2 lasers. Especially in various PCB material applications, UV lasers are considered to be the best choice. From the perspective of market performance, UV lasers also seem to have suppressed CO2 lasers. A few years ago, the country's shipments of solid-state UV lasers were only about 3,000 units, but in 2017, the shipments of UV lasers soared to 10,000 units, and they also rose steadily with very good growth in the future. This proves that UV lasers are becoming more and more popular in the market, and also shows that people's increasing demand for fine processing.



However, this does not mean that CO2 lasers are useless. At least at present, the price of CO2 lasers of the same power is much cheaper than that of UV lasers, and the cost has great advantages. In some fields, CO2 lasers can do things that other lasers cannot. For example, to generate extreme ultraviolet light, in the past few decades, the lithography process in semiconductor manufacturing has been realized by deep ultraviolet light with a wavelength of more than 100 nanometers. With the development of Moore's Law, semiconductor chips need to be scribed The number of circuits has grown exponentially, and the requirements for fineness have become more and more stringent, which requires extreme ultraviolet light with a wavelength of about 10 nanometers to complete lithography. In addition, there are still many applications on the market that other types of lasers are not capable of, and only CO2 lasers can be used. In some non-metallic materials and polymer materials processing applications, especially plastics applications, CO2 laser is still the best choice.



While UV laser technology continues to gain popularity, traditional CO2 laser technology also has its strengths, and it continues to improve. Therefore, it is difficult for UV laser marking to completely replace CO2 laser marking, but it is an indisputable fact that UV laser marking is becoming more and more popular. From the current point of view, UV laser marking will only be more and more favored by users and the market due to its fine and precise processing and low processing and maintenance costs. With the increasing popularity of ultraviolet lasers in the past three years, six or seven major domestic manufacturers have successively expanded their production, resulting in intensified competition, and the price of ultraviolet lasers has dropped to a certain extent. The application of ultraviolet laser marking has become a trend. In the actual operation of the UV laser, it is very important to maintain its stable operation and protect its service life. Like most laser equipment, UV laser marking machines also require the assistance of a chiller to maintain stable operation, maintain machining accuracy and service life.



RFH 레이저가 개발하고 생산하는 RM & CWUL 시리즈 칠러는 3W-15W UV 레이저 냉각용으로 특별히 설계되었습니다. RM 시리즈는 캐비닛 디자인이며 마킹 기계에 내장될 수 있습니다. CWUL 시리즈는 세로형 디자인으로 콤팩트하고 편리합니다. 이동하다. 둘 다 높은 리프트 및 큰 흐름, 높은 온도 제어 정확도, 안정적인 냉각, 다중 경보 보호 기능 및 작은 크기의 특성을 가지고 있으며 이동이 쉽고 UV 레이저 냉각의 요구를 완전히 충족합니다.



냉각기 안정성이 UV 레이저 광 출력에 미치는 영향은 무엇입니까?


우리 모두 알다시피 냉각기의 수온 변동이 클수록(즉, 온도 제어 정확도가 너무 낮음) 광 손실이 증가하여 레이저 가공 비용에 영향을 미치고 레이저 수명이 단축됩니다. CO2 레이저 마킹과 비교할 때 UV 마킹은 가공 비용의 이점이 있지만 UV 레이저 자체의 비용은 여전히 ​​CO2 레이저보다 높기 때문에 가공 비용을 줄이고 서비스 수명을 연장하는 것이 매우 중요합니다. 또한 냉각기의 수압이 안정적일수록 레이저 파이프라인 부하 감소 및 기포 방지 효과가 커집니다. 특수 도메인 냉각기는 합리적인 설계와 컴팩트한 구조로 기포 발생을 크게 방지하고 레이저 광 출력을 안정화하며 서비스 수명을 연장하고 사용자 비용을 절감합니다.



3W - 15W UV 고체 레이저 냉각 시스템은 박막 에칭, 미세 마킹, 유리 마킹, 재료 미세 기계 가공, 웨이퍼 절단, 3D 인쇄/레이저 급속 프로토타이핑, 식품 포장 마킹 및 기타 산업 응용 분야에 자주 사용됩니다. RM & CWUL 시리즈 냉각기의 냉각 용량은 레이저 출력에 따라 370W~800W까지 가능하며, 냉각을 위해 친환경 냉매를 사용합니다. 그것의 작은 크기, 이동하기 쉬운, 작은 설치 공간, 쉬운 작동 및 수명. 이 냉각기 시리즈의 온도 제어 정확도는 ±0.3℃에 도달할 수 있으며 지능형 온도 조절 장치에는 두 가지 온도 제어 모드가 있어 다양한 경우에 적용할 수 있습니다. 또한 압축기 지연 보호, 압축기 과전류 보호, 수류 경보, 그리고 고온/저온 경보. 이 칠러 시리즈는 3W - 15W UV 레이저, 특히 UV 레이저 마킹 사용자에게 이상적인 선택입니다.



다양한 분야를 아우르며 정밀성과 효율성, 편리성과 지능성, 안정적인 냉동, 컴퓨터 통신 지원 등 많은 장점으로 업계에서 우수한 브랜드 이미지를 구축하고 있습니다. 냉각기는 다양한 산업 제조, 레이저 가공 및 의료 산업에서 널리 사용되며 주로 유럽, 미국, 동아시아 및 동남아시아로 수출됩니다.

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