10W-15W uv laser

키보드에 표시하는 방법?

Dec 19 , 2022

There are all kinds of keyboards in market, some keyboards are backlight and some keyboards are non-backlight, besides, we can see some keyboards with English letters, some keyboards with English, France, Arabic and so on. Have you ever thinking how to get them on keyboards? So here i will Solve the mystery.



About the keyboards mark, we can categorize them, different keyboards we need to match the different machine and different engrave ways.


So the first step, we need to choose a suitable laser machine.



For the back light keyboards and non-backlight keyboards engrave.


Generally speaking,a normal fiber laser machine can engrave keyboards well,if you just need to engrave letter, no more demands on the color and effect of letters. You can just choose a normal fiber laser machine. If engrave non-backlight keyboards by a normal fiber laser machine, the color will be a little gray, not very white.


If for backlight keyboards will be no problem.


But if you have budget, a mopa laser machine will be a best choice for you.


Mopa laser machine is suit for both backlight and non-backlight keyboards engrave, and it can get best effect on keyboards.




There is a special situation of keyboards engrave.


If you are refurbished backlight keyboards, and you refurbished keyboards by UV printers,the fiber laser machine will not works on keyboards. The keyboards will be fired or melt.


따라서 현재로서는 UV 레이저 기계가 훌륭한 선택이 될 것입니다. UV 레이저 기계는 키보드를 다시 칠하고 큰 효과를 얻을 수 있습니다.


우리는 페인트가 완전하고 UV 레이저 기계에 의해 타지 않는 것을 볼 수 있습니다.


일반적으로 더 나은 레이저 기계를 사용하면 키보드가 잘 새겨집니다. 키보드 유형을 확인하고 다른 유형의 레이저 기계에서 작동하는지 확인하십시오.

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