10W-15W uv laser

실리콘 절단에 다른 레이저 대신 UV 레이저가 필요한 이유는 무엇입니까?

Dec 23 , 2022

자외선 레이저

실리콘 절단에 다른 레이저 대신 UV 레이저가 필요한 이유는 무엇입니까?


실리콘은 매우 일반적인 재료입니다. 모두가 본 적이 있다고 생각하지만 실리콘이 무엇이며 어떻게 처리되는지 생각해 본 적이 있습니까?


RFH 레이저가 어떻게 실리콘을 쉽게 절단하는지 궁금하십니까?

레이저 컷 실리콘

전통적인 인상의 실리카겔은 무독성, 무미, 부드럽고 피부 친화적이라는 두 가지 특성을 가지고 있기 때문에 일부 의료 및 건강 관리 제품에 실리카겔이 자주 사용됩니다.


의료 분야에서 실리콘은 정맥 카테터, 요도 카테터, 혈관, 위경 슬리브 등은 물론 일부 인공 보조 기관(예: 인공 폐, 인공 수막 및 인공 너클 등)에 사용됩니다.


이 실리콘 제품은 정밀하게 가공되어 무독성, 무미, 피부 친화적이며 저자극성입니다.


지능형 제조가 대중화됨에 따라 실리카겔의 가공 요구 사항이 점점 높아지고 있습니다.


실리카겔의 공정을 이해하기 전에 먼저 실리카겔이 무엇인지 알아야 합니다. 규산겔이라고도 불리는 실리카겔은 주로 이산화규소로 구성되어 있으며 주로 투명하거나 유백색을 띠고 내부에 미세기공이 있어 흡착력이 우수하다.


It needs to be clear that silica gel is not artificially refined, nor is it a naturally occurring gel, but a synthetic rubber.


Silicone is different from plastic, and generally has high processing standards. Therefore, it often encounters troubles in the processing of silica gel with high temperature resistance, aging resistance, stable chemical properties, and water insolubility.


Due to the softness and smooth surface of silicone, very high production standards are required when cutting silicone, which makes the production cost skyrocket.


There is a common knowledge that the cost of silicone is actually lower than that of plastic, but because of the high production standards, the price of the final product is mostly higher.


In order to reduce the cost of the enterprise, a laser is needed when cutting precision silicone; RFH uses a 15W high-power ultraviolet laser, which can easily cut 1.5mm thick silicone tape, and the cutting edge is smooth and burr-free.


Due to the precise control of the RFH UV laser, it can be easily used in precision instrument processing.



Recommended high power UV laser: Expert III 355

나노초 UV 레이저

RFH uses this Expert III 355 in the video. As a high-power ultraviolet solid-state laser of more than 10W, the Expert III 355 is extremely small in size, but its performance is unique.


Since UV laser belongs to cold light processing, and RFH Expert III 355 has short pulse width (<25ns@50k), superior beam quality (M²<1.2) and perfect spot characteristics (spot ellipticity>90%).


The final cutting part can be smooth and controllable, and the heat-affected zone during processing is small.


In addition, in terms of power control, RFH Expert III 355 has a unique Q-switching control technology, which is suitable for various laser application control requirements; thanks to the inner cavity self-purification system, the laser has a long life and stable operation.


RFH uses a self-developed power control system, which can update the functional modules of the power control system in time, and easily adapt to the functional requirements of different scenarios.


In the context of intelligent manufacturing, RFH lasers naturally need to support all-digital intelligent power control technology, which is easy to operate and convenient to monitor; the laser can communicate with the computer through RS232, which is not only convenient for control, but also more accurate in data operation.


Under the background of Industry 4.0, RFH took the lead in completing the transformation of intelligent manufacturing, and the all-digital power control system easily meets the processing needs of the next generation.


Not only silicone, RFH laser will also easily challenge more processing methods, changing life with laser.





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