10W-15W uv laser

KN95 마스크에 3W 5W UV 레이저로 표시해야 하는 이유는 무엇입니까?

Jul 01 , 2021

Why should KN95 masks be marked with 3W 5W  UV laser?


With the spread of the epidemic around the world, people's demand for masks continues to increase, and major mask manufacturers are also working hard to increase the production of masks. Among them, mask marking is an indispensable and important part of the production process. The printing mark of KN95 masks is generally printed on the outside of the mask. The content on it generally includes the mask model, related certificates, production date, etc., which is an important means of inspecting the quality and quality of the mask.

N95KN95 마스크 로고, 바코드를 빠르게 조각하는 3W 5W UV 레이저


Consumers rely on marking to identify the authenticity of masks, and overseas countries rely on marking to identify whether masks comply with local medical regulations. Since marking is so important, how to choose the mask production process and supporting equipment?



Inkjet marking VS laser marking

At present, the common marking processes on the market include inkjet marking and laser marking. For medical supplies such as masks, UV laser marking should be preferred. Why is UV laser marking?



It should be known that the material of meltblown cloth used in masks has a thin surface and is not easy to process in a hot environment. Some laser light sources will generate high temperatures during processing, and UV laser marking can be very well adapted. The release of 355mm Ultraviolet cold light source will not produce high temperature during marking and will not cause damage to the mask. This type of light source has a small focus spot and is very suitable for marking delicate and tiny materials, so that the marking effect is not only clear and eye-catching. , It will not appear scattered ink and burrs, it can be said that it has many advantages in marking.



Ultraviolet laser marking can meet the needs of marking the LOGO, production date, breathing valve, and packaging bags of masks such as N95 and KN95, which can greatly improve production efficiency and have excellent results. Among them, it is particularly important to choose excellent UV solid-state lasers in industrial applications.


How to choose high-quality solid-state lasers?


A good UV solid-state laser should have the following advantages:


First, the accuracy is high. Ultraviolet lasers are often used for micromachining, and higher precision can ensure the accuracy and integrity of marking.


Second, it is easy to install and maintain. Many lasers are cumbersome to install, and corporate purchases often take a lot of time to debug and install, which greatly occupies the development and maintenance costs of the enterprise. The excellent laser circuit design is simple, easy to install, and uses CNC control, which makes it easy to get started.


Third, the stability is high. A good ultraviolet laser usually has a wavelength below 0.4μm, a stable beam, and a balanced energy control. It can effectively micro-process the polymer material without showing signs of burn damage to the material.


KN95 mask laser marking is completed in 1 second


Combining the above characteristics, RFH UV laser is an ideal choice.




RFH Expert Ⅱ 355nm UV 레이저는 354.7nm의 레이저 파장과 넓은 범위의 반복 주파수(단일 펄스에서 200kHz까지)를 가지고 있어 재료에 더 잘 흡수될 수 있고 재료에 덜 파괴적입니다. 동시에 모든 주파수 범위에서 엄격하게 보장되는 우수한 빔 품질(M2<1.2)을 제공합니다. 펄스 폭 <20ns@30k, 가공 중 열 영향 영역이 작고 디지털 지능형 전력 제어, 간단한 작동, 저렴한 작동 비용을 지원하며 다양한 레이저 응용 제어 요구에 적합합니다.


RFH Expert Ⅱ 355nm UV 레이저는 마스크 마킹 응용 분야에서 많은 이점을 제공합니다.


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명확하고 읽기 쉬운 글쓰기


마스크 제품의 위조 방지 및 완전한 추적 가능성 촉진


1초 만에 완료, 편리하고 효율적


현재 많은 대규모 마스크 산업 체인에서 RFH UV 레이저를 마스크 마킹 및 위조 방지에 사용했습니다. 고객의 신뢰는 RFH의 영원한 추구입니다. 전염병이 해외에서 심화됨에 따라 RFH 레이저는 마스크 품질을 돕기 위해 더 많은 기술을 투자할 것입니다.

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