다양한 산업 분야에서 고주파 펄스 고체 레이저 마킹 적용
Aug 10 , 2021
High frequency pulsing solid state Laser Marking Application In Various Industries Introduction: Laser marking, as a modern precision processing method, has unparalleled advantages compared with traditional processing methods such as printing, mechanical engraving, and EDM processing. Laser marking machine has the features of free maintenance, high flexibility, high reliability, it is espec...
제조 산업의 녹색 레이저 다이오드 마킹 절단 응용 프로그램
Aug 10 , 2021
Green laser diode Marking Cutting Application in the Manufacturing Industry Laser marking is using a very tiny beam of laser light to mark various kinds of signs, words, patterns etc. The laser beam can be measured by Micron. The focused ultra-fine laser is like a sharp blade, could remove the substance of an object surface spot by spot. The best advantage is that it would touch the ...
장난감 재료 및 장식품에 녹색 레이저 광 조각
Aug 10 , 2021
Green laser light Engraving on Toy Material and Ornaments For the engraving industry, laser engraver named for the gasses used to create the light source, are the tools of choice. There are a variety of advantages to using a laser over other methods of engraving. First of all, the tool is a beam of light, there is no product contact, which translates into less chance of product damage or de...
남성 숟가락과 젓가락을 표시하는 자외선 레이저, 오염 없음
Aug 10 , 2021
Ultraviolet lasers marking male spoon and chopsticks, no pollution The prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic has enhanced everyone's awareness of hygiene in daily life. Among them, many places have issued recommendations to promote the use of public spoons and chopsticks, which will help prevent the spread of saliva on the dining table, prevent cross-infection of viruse...
나만의 주문 제작을 위한 355nm UV 레이저 마킹 카시트 쿠션
Aug 13 , 2021
355nm UV laser marking car seat cushion to create your own personal order ★ Nanosecond Laser ★ uv Laser and green laser manufacturer Beautiful car seat cushion with 355nm UV laser enhances the pleasure of drivers and passengers The surface material of the car seat is vaporized to leave the desired pattern UV laser marking improves the decoration of car seat cushions Ultraviolet laser improves the ...
소형 고 반복률 나노초 레이저 마킹 머신은 위조 방지 기능이 뛰어납니다.
Aug 13 , 2021
Compact high repetition rate nanosecond lasers marking machine has high anti-counterfeiting ★ Nanosecond Laser ★ uv Laser and green laser manufacturer Ultraviolet laser marking machine plays an important role in anti-counterfeiting work UV laser marking machine has the functions of anti-counterfeiting and traceability Ultraviolet laser marking machine is a better container anti-counterfeiting tech...
케이블 산업에 매우 안정적인 나노초 레이저 적용
Aug 13 , 2021
Application of Ultra-stable Nanosecond Laser in the cable industry ★ Nanosecond Laser ★ uv Laser and green laser manufacturer The laser makes the corresponding mark on the surface of the wire and cable Laser printers have become the first choice for wire and cable manufacturers Advantages of uv laser marking printer The laser makes the corresponding mark on the surface of the wire and cable 우리나라는 ...
다이오드 펌핑 고체 레이저 절단 자동차 플라스틱 부품 노즐
Aug 13 , 2021
Diode pumped solid state laser cutting automotive plastic parts nozzle ★ Nanosecond Laser ★ uv Laser and green laser manufacturer UV laser marking, auto parts will use plastic as much as possible The interior is an important part of the lightweight of the vehicle Exterior decoration is an important part of vehicle lightweight Laser cutting plastic nozzles to accelerate the pace of weight re...
고체 UV 레이저 소스 정밀 컷 고화질 렌즈
Aug 16 , 2021
고체 UV 레이저 소스 정밀 컷 고화질 렌즈 ★ 나노초 레이저 ★ uv 레이저 및 그린 레이저 제조업체 고체 UV 레이저 소스는 렌즈의 빠른 가공 및 생산에 대한 걱정을 해결합니다. 고정밀 렌즈 산업에 정밀 레이저 절단기 적용 355nm UV 레이저 절단 렌즈는 더 빠르고 효율적입니다. 고체 UV 레이저 소스는 렌즈의 빠른 가공 및 생산에 대한 걱정을 해결합니다. 과거에 고화질 렌즈 산업은 주로 금형을 프레임으로 사용했으며 스타일이 다르면 다른 금형이 필요하여 높은 비용과 낮은 효율성이 필요했습니다. 정밀 레이저 커팅 머신의 등장으로 다양한 종류의 프레임을 신속하게 가공할 수 있어 렌즈의 신속한 가공 및 생산에 대한 걱정을 해결할 수 있습니다. 고정밀 렌즈 산업에 정밀 레이저 절단기 적용 렌...
소형 고 반복 속도 나노초 레이저 마킹 머신의 장점
Aug 16 , 2021
Advantages of Compact high repetition rate nanosecond lasers marking machine ★ Nanosecond Laser ★ uv Laser and green laser manufacturer UV laser marking machine improves equipment reliability and flexibility The main advantages of UV laser marking machine are as follows: UV laser marking machine has unique advantages UV laser marking machine improves equipment reliability and flexibility Ultraviol...
매우 안정적인 나노초 레이저 마킹 미용 가위
Aug 16 , 2021
Ultra-stable Nanosecond Laser marking hairdressing scissors ★ Nanosecond Laser ★ uv Laser and green laser manufacturer The dream of becoming a master and owning an exclusive hairdressing knife UV laser-marked hairdressing knife can regain energy for the barber's soul 355nm uv laser marking hairdressing scissors strengthen the barber's belief that never give up Nanosecond laser technology to create...
자외선 레이저 다이오드 고정밀 마킹 머신 마킹 플라스틱
Aug 17 , 2021
Ultraviolet laser diode high-precision marking machine marking plastic ★ Nanosecond Laser ★ uv Laser and green laser manufacturer UV laser marking plastic Diode pumped solid-state laser precision marking Plays a pivotal role in laser marking machines in the plastics industry The application of laser in the plastics industry opens up more new areas UV laser marking plastic Plastic is a common item ...