10W-15W uv laser

고출력 UV 레이저 광원 마킹 휴대폰 IC 칩

Aug 04 , 2022

High-power UV laser light source marking mobile phone IC chips

The traditional marking method of IC chips is ink printing. With the continuous expansion of the market and the increasingly fierce competition, users have higher and higher requirements for the marking of IC strips, and the corresponding marking equipment ---- printing machine has been further improved. requirements. With the popularization of more efficient printing methods such as laser printing and pad printing, topsunlaser.com, a fully automatic laser marking equipment with automatic loading and unloading functions, has become the final choice for post-packaging lines.


Mobile phone chip is a classification of IC, which is a circuit module that integrates various electronic components on a silicon board to achieve a specific function. It is the most important part of electronic equipment, which undertakes the functions of computing and storage. A chip is the carrier of an integrated circuit, which is divided by multiple wafers, and is a general term for semiconductor components. A small chip, rich in infinite information.



Mobile phone IC chip laser marking

칩 표면의 식별 또는 기타 기능을 위해 항상 일부 패턴과 숫자가 있으며 칩은 작은 크기와 높은 집적 밀도를 특징으로 하므로 칩 표면을 표시하는 과정에서 정밀도 요구 사항이 매우 높습니다. 구성 요소 손상을 전제로 일반 텍스트, 모델, 제조업체 및 기타 정보가 표시됩니다.

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